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Student Work

I am a trained Waldorf Educator, specializing in high school fine and practical arts, with a professional background and expertise in program and curriculum design within the context of human development. “As an educator in the arts, it is not about teaching art for art’s sake or to become an “artist”. It is about teaching with the objective of developing capacities in the human being, the most important of which is empathy, but also includes other life skills such as perseverance, flexible thinking, problem solving, critical thinking and resourcefulness.”   

9th Grade Basketry

9th Grade Copper Smithing

10th Grade Stone Sculpture

11th Grade Copper Smithing

12th Grade Stone Sculpture

12th Grade Textile Design

10th Grade Gourd Weaving

10th Grade Soul Collage

Collaborative Projects

I am skilled in conceiving, developing, managing and facilitating collaborative art projects for installation with groups of 10-80 people. I lead participants through a hands-on artistic process of creating something of beauty where each individual is a key aspect of the whole. A background experience in creating art is not a prerequisite for this process.


Mosaic Mandala


Memorial Classic-7 Labyrinth

The World We Live In

© 2023 by Jennifer Nori. Proudly created with

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